Liberty Communications Accused of Outsourcing Jobs Abroad After Laying Off Nearly 300 Workers in Puerto Rico

This Monday, Aramis Cruz, the leader of the unionized employees at Liberty Communications, leveled serious allegations against the company. He claimed that the telecommunications firm is breaching its collective bargaining agreement by laying off hundreds of customer service and sales employees in Puerto Rico, only to relocate their positions to the Dominican Republic and Colombia.

According to Cruz, this move not only undermines the workforce on the island but also violates several key provisions of the existing labor agreement designed to protect employees. “This action goes against our collective commitment to maintain and secure jobs locally,” Cruz stated during a press conference. He highlighted the detrimental impact of such decisions on the local economy and the lives of affected employees.

In response to these allegations, Liberty Communications has issued a statement claiming that discussions are ongoing. The company emphasized its commitment to adhering to all contractual obligations and expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue with union representatives. “We are in active discussions with union leaders to address their concerns and ensure that all actions taken are within the legal framework of our agreement,” a spokesperson for Liberty Communications remarked.

This situation has sparked a broader debate about the practices of multinational corporations operating in small economies such as Puerto Rico. Economic analysts suggest that while outsourcing can be cost-effective, it often comes at a significant social cost, including job losses and economic displacement in the regions affected.

The controversy surrounding Liberty Communications is set to intensify as union leaders plan further actions to protest the layoffs and outsourcing of jobs. Meanwhile, the community and other stakeholders are closely watching how this dispute will unfold, hoping for a resolution that supports both the employees’ rights and the company’s operational needs.

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